Send pictures, comments and newsletter articles to:
Newsletter editor, Mark Scholten
To pay your dues, please make your check payable to:
Attn: Antique Farm Power Club
Kathy Bannink
505 Westwar Dr. NW.
Grand Rapids, Mi 49534
2023 Board of Directors
1 year director:Clarence Korson
President: Mark Scholten
2 year year director: Tami Buschard
Treasurer: Kathy Bannink
Vice President: Patti Gillish
3 year Director: Mark Stuart
Secretary: Irv Boerson

Antique Farm Power Club Minutes
February 12, 2025
1. Call to Order:
Our Vice-P Vice President Patti Gillish, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll call was taken with 17 members present.
2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting: November, 2024 minutes were not available.
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Obituaries.
Jim VanderLaan wife passed away this past winter.
5. Featured Tractor for 2025.
The featured tractor for 2025 is any tractor beginning with the letter “C”.
6 Spring Cleanup.
Will be announced soon.
7. Tractor Pull for 2025.
To be discussed at a later date.
8. Announcements.
Show Dates are June 12,13 & 14, 2025.
Thank you note from the Peterson family.
May 17 is plow day.
Vendor fees are free this year.
Vendor letters were sent out.
Heritage Village tractor show in Mackinaw City is scheduled for June 28-30. More details later.
9. Adjournment and Next Meeting Date:
MSC to adjourn.
Our next meeting date is March 12, 2025.
Minutes complied by Kathy Bannink |
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes November 13, 2024
- Call to Order:
- Our Vice-President Patti Gillish, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll call was taken with 37 members present.
- 2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting:
- Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our October 9, 2024 meeting as read.
- 3. Treasurer’s Report
- MSC to approve the treasurer’s report.
- 4. Obituaries. Loren Peterson, Sr. passed away on October 12, 2024. Donald Chorman, Sr. passed away on October 18, 20214.
- 5. Featured Tractor for 2025.
- The featured tractor for 2025 is any tractor beginning with the letter “C”.
- 6 Fremont Parade.
- Seven tractors participated in the parade.
- 7. Tractor Pull for 2025.
- Jack Link stated the tractor pull could be held on Thursday evening instead of Saturday evening.
- More details later.
- 8. Tractor Ride at Jim Stuart Place.
- This ride had 19 tractors in attendance.
- 9. Honoring Veterans. Patti and Mike shared information on Veterans Day.
- Thanks to all who served.
- A picture was taken of all veterans present.
- 10. Adjournment and Next Meeting Date:
- MSC to adjourn and our next meeting date is February 12, 2025.
- Irv Boersen
- Secretary
- Antique Farm Power Club
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes October 9, 2024
- Call to Order: Our President, Mark Scholten, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll call was taken with 45 members present.
- 2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting: Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our September 11, 2024 meeting as read.
- 3. Treasurer’s Report MSC to approve the treasurer’s report.
- 4. Tractor Drive.
- Jim Stuart is planning a tractor drive on October 12, 2024 at 11:00 AM beginning at his home.
- 5. Featured Tractor for 2025.
- The featured tractor for 2025 is any tractor beginning with the letter “C”. 6. Vendor fees for 2025.
- MSC to forgo the vendor fees for 2025. Fremont Parade. Seven tractors participated in the parade.
- 8. Tractor Pull for 2025.
- Jack Link and Jeff Swanson gave a presentation on having a tractor pull on Saturday afternoon/evening. The club gate entrance fees would then be completed at noon on Saturday. MSC to allow them to proceed with this venture.
- 9. Adjournment and Next Meeting Date:
- MSC to adjourn and our next meeting date is November 13, 2024.
- This will be our veterans appreciation evening.
- Irv Boersen
- Secretary
- Antique Farm Power Club
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes September 11, 2024
- Call to Order:
- Our President, Mark Scholten, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Roll call was taken with 48 members present.
- 2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting:
- Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our August 14, 2024 meeting as read.
- 3. Treasurer’s Report:
- MSC to approve the treasurer’s report.
- 4. Tractor Drive.
- Jim Stuart is planning a tractor drive on October 12, 2024 at 10:00 AM beginning at his home.
- 5. Mackinac Bridge Crossing.
- Mike Bannink gave a brief update on the bridge crossing.
- 6. Fremont Harvest Fest.
- This is planned for September 26
- . 7 Tractor Ride in Grant.
- This is scheduled for Friday, October 4 beginning at 5:30 PM.
- Line up is scheduled at 4:30 PM at the high school.
- 8. Tractor drive at the Arends residence.
- This drive was attended by 23 tractors.
- 9. Red Flannel Days
- . Red Flannel parade will be held on October 5 in Cedar Springs.
- 10. Election of Officers.
- Mark Scholten was elected president
- . Patti Gillish was elected vice-president.
- Kathy Bannink was elected treasurer.
- Irv Boersen was elected secretary.
- Mark Stuart was elected as a board member.
- 11. Adjournment and Next Meeting Date:
- MSC to adjourn and our next meeting date is October 9, 2024.
- Irv Boersen
- Secretary
- Antique Farm Power Club
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes July 10, 2024
1. Call to Order: Our President, Mark Scholten, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll call was taken with 38 members present.
2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting: Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our May 8, 2024 meeting as read
. 3. Treasurer’s Report: MSC to approve the treasurer’s report.
4. 2024 Show Information:
The 2024 show made approximately $500.00.
Not all bills are paid yet.
Attendance was an issue.
5. Membership Dues.
Membership dues are due and payable to our club treasurer.
6. Fairgrounds Mowing.
The fairgrounds needs to be mowed next week.
7. Tractors for the Fair.
The fair board would like our club to display tractors again this year across form the inanimate building.
8. Tractor Drive.
The tractor drive to the Croton Driftwood grill is cancelled.
Vern and others are attempting to put a drive together in August.
9. Mackinac Bridge Crossing.
Mike Bannink gave a brief update on the bridge crossing.
If you haven’t registered, you need do this soon.
10. Valve Cover Race.
This event is scheduled for the Labor Day weekend at the Lakes Mall in Muskegon.
11. Ann Weber’s Memorial. Memorial service for Ann is planned for July 20 at 11:00 AM at the Mamrelund Lutheran Church.
Visitation is scheduled for July 19, at the Ravenna Chapel of the Systema Funeral Home in Ravenna from 6:00-8:00 PM.
12. Harvest Fest in Grant
This is scheduled for August 17 form 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
13. Harvest Fest in Fremont.
This is scheduled for September 26.
The parade goes through downtown.
Tractors are needed for this event.
14. Adjournment and Next Meeting Date: MSC to adjourn and our next meeting date is August 14, 2024.
Irv Boersen
Antique Farm Power Clu |
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes April 10, 2024
- Call to Order:
- Our President, Mark Scholten, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll call was taken with 54 members present.
- Approval of Minutes from our last meeting:
- Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our March 13, 2024 meeting as read.
- 3. Treasurer’s Report: The check book balance for April 3, 2024 is $6,013.69.
- The investment account is valued at $20,088.68 MSC to approve the treasurer’s report.
- 4. Club Merchandise Sales: Andy Grabenstetter has agreed to do our club merchandise sales.
- 5. Membership Dues. Membership dues are due and payable to our club treasurer.
- 6. Vendor Show Bag Goodies. Please stop at the area vendors and ask for small goodies we can include in those bags.
- 7. Tractor Pulls. Antique and garden tractor pulls are planned again for this year. Pell’s will provide a pull back tractor.
- 8. Plow Day. Plow day is May 11 at the Korson Farm. Motion, supported and carried that the club will provide the meat for the cookout.
- 9. Fair Clean-up. Fair grounds clean-up date is scheduled for Saturday, April 27. Please brings rakes, shovels, loader tractor and trailers to remove leaves. Lunch will be served.
- 10. Sparta Days. Sparta days is scheduled for May 18.
- 11. Fremont Baby Food Day on July 19. Gerber Foods would like tractors for display. The hours are 11:00 AM-5:00 PM.
- 12. Adjournment and Next Meeting Date: MSC to adjourn and our next meeting date is May 8, 2024.
- There is also a 2nd scheduled meeting on May 22 to stuff goodie bags. Additional Note: Dinner will not be served on May 8 or May 22 or for the month’s of June, July and August.
- Irv Boersen
- Secretary
- Antique Farm Power Club
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes March 13, 2024
- Call to Order:
- Our Vice-President, Vern Scott, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll call was taken with 36 members present.
- 2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting:
- Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our February 14, 2024 meeting as read.
- MSC to approve the treasurer’s report.
- 4. Club Merchandise Sales:
- Andy Grabenstetter has agreed to do our club merchandise sales.
- 5. Membership Dues.
- Membership dues are due and payable to our club treasurer.
- 6. Vendor Show Bag Goodies.
- Please stop at the area vendors and ask for small goodies we can include in those bags.
- 7. Tractor Pulls.
- Antique and garden tractor pulls are planned again for this year.
- 8. Plow Day. Plow day is May 11 at the Korson Farm.
- 9. Fair Clean-up. Fair grounds clean-up date is scheduled for Saturday, April 27.
- Please brings rakes, shovels, loader tractor and trailers to remove leaves.
- Lunch will be served.
- 10. Sparta Days. Sparta days is scheduled for May 18.
- 11. Adjournment and Next Meeting Date:
- MSC to adjourn and our next meeting date is April 10, 2024.
- Additional Note:
- April’s meeting will have dinner served by the bowling alley.
- No dinner will be served in May, June, July and August.
- Dinner will then be served again in September.
- Irv Boersen
- Secretary Antique Farm Power Club.
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes February 14, 2024
- Call to Order: Our Vice-President,
- Vern Scott, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Roll call was taken with 31 members present.
- 2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting: Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our November 8, 2023 meeting as read.
- 4. Moment of Silence A moment of silenced was held for Mr. Wes Meeuwsen
- . 5. Club Merchandise Sales. Vern stated that him and his wife will no longer be able to do the club sales. The club needs someone to be responsible for this task. Please consider if you could be that club member/s to assume this position.
- 6. Membership Dues.
- Membership dues are due and payable to our club treasurer.
- 7. Truck Show.
- The truck show individuals will not be present at this year’s show. We hope to fill that space with other events. If you are willing to help, please see our president.
- 8. Fremont Chamber of Commerce.
- Jacylin Moltzen is looking for tractors to be displayed on July 19, 2024 during the National Baby Food Festival. If interested call her at 231-924-0770.
- 9. Plow Day.
- Plow day is May 11 at the Korson Farm. More details later. Adjournment and Next Meeting Date: MSC to adjourn and our next meeting date is March 13, 2024.
- Irv Boersen - Secretary, Antique Farm Power Club
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes September 13, 2023
1. Call to Order:
Our President, Mark Scholten, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll call was taken with 37 members present.
2. Moment of Silence.
We shared a moment of silence for Mr. Larry Bisson.
3. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting:
Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our August 9, 2023 meeting as read.
4. Treasurer’s Report:
5. Open Issues:
Election of Officers.
Motion, supported and carried to elect Mark Scholten as our president. Motion, supported and carried to elect Vern Scott as our Vice-President. Motion, supported and carried to elect Kathy Bannink as our treasurer. Motion, supported and carried to elect Irv Boersen as our secretary.
Motion, supported and carried to elect Tami Buschard as our member at large.
6. New Business.
Mark received a quote, $2,000.00, for the grandstand door to be 13 feet high and 12 feet wide. The fairgrounds will share 50% of the expenses. Bonthuis Construction will do this project.
7. Mackinaw Bridge Crossing.
Mark stated that the bridge crossing is cancelled for the next few years.
8. Upcoming Events.
A. Grant has inviteed us to the Grant Homecoming parade on September 22.
We will meet at the highs school at 4:00 PM.
B. Fremont Parade.
Fremont parade is scheduled for September 28.
We start on Hillcrest St. at the 1st Congregational Church.
C. Red Fannel Days.
October 7 is Red Flannnel Days in Cedar Springs.
D. Fall Color Tractor Ride.
This ride is scheduled for October 7
7. We start at Jim Stuart’s farm at 11:00 AM.
E. Wishing Well.
Don’t forget the wishing well.
F. Auction. Ernie Smith’s auction will be held on October 10, 2023.
9. Adjournment. MSC to adjourn.
Irv Boersen - Secretary, Antique Farm Power Club |
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes August 9, 2023
1. Call to Order:
Our President, Mark Scholten, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll call was taken with 30 members present.
2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting:
Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our July 12, 2023 meeting as read.
4. Open Issues:
Honorary Members.
Motion, supported and carried that beginning on January 1, 2024 all Antique Farm Power Club members will pay the annual membership dues of $20.00. This motion rescinds a previous action.
5. New Business.
A. Fall Tractor Ride.
Jim Staurt is planning on having a fall ride on October 7 leaving his place around 11:00 AM.
B. A Non-Bridge Crossing.
A non-bridge crossing get together is planned for September 8-10 with a possible trip to Kitch-iti-Kippi.
C. Paul is planning a tractor ride to Conklin on Saturday, August 19 leaving the fairgrounds a 11:00 AM. Park tractors and trailers in the south area of the fair grounds. That Saturday there is other events on the fair grounds.
6. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment.
Our next meeting date is September 13, 2023.
MSC to adjourn.
Irv Boersen - Secretary, Antique Farm Power club |
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes
July12, 2023
1.Call to Order:
Our President, Mark Scholten, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll call was taken with 40 members present.
2.Approval of Minutes from our last meeting: Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our May10, 2023 meeting as read.
4.Open Issues.
A. Ride to Sam Scholtens. The ride to Sam Scholtens is canelled
. B. Name the Food Pavillion.
The name chosen was the Farm Power Café.
5.New Business.
A. City of Grant.
The City of Grant has invited us to display tractors on August 25 & 26.
B. Muskegon County Fair.
The fair has invited us to display tractors during their fair July 22-29.
C. Reeman Tractor Show.
Members can display tractorsat the Reeman Home on Thursday, July 27.
D. Fall Tractor Ride.
Jim Staurt is planning on having a fall ride on October 7 leaving his place around 11:00 AM.
E. A Non-Bridge Crossing. A non-bridge crossing get together is planned for September 8-10 with a possible trip to Kitch-iti-Kippi.
F. Sliding Barn Door.
A sliding door is planned to be added to the northend of the grand stands.
6. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment.
Our next meeting date is August 9,2023.
MSC to adjourn.
Irv Boersen- Secretary, Antique Farm Power Club |
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes
May 10, 2023
1. Call to Order
: Our President, Mark Scholten, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll call was taken with 50 members present.
2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting: Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our April 10, 2023 meeting as read.
4. Old Business. Grandstand Door Project MSC to proceed with this project for a cost of around $1,500.00-$2,000.00. The fair board plans to help share the cost of this up to $750.00.
5. New Business.
1. IHC Collectors of Michigan Chapter
11. Pam Graftema, president of Chapter 11 gave members an update and thanked our club for hosting them.
2. Fair Board Treasurer. Fair board treasurer, Brain McFarren thanked the club for leaf removal and also gave a brief update.
3. Show Discussion.
Our president gave a brief update.
4. Plow Day. This event is scheduled for May 13.
5. Thursday Evening Potluck.
The club will have a potluck on Thursday evening of the show week beginning around 6:00 PM. It is open to exhibitors, vendors and club members. The club will provide barbequed pork sandwiches, hot and cold beverages and table service. You are asked to contribute a hot or cold dish and dessert.
6. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment.
Our next meeting date is May 24, 2023 to fill bags to be given out at registration.
MSC to adjourn. Reminder:
Dinner will not be served at our May meeting date.
Irv Boersen - Secretary, Antique Farm Power Club |
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes
April 10, 2023
1. Call to Order: Our President, Mark Scholten, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll call was taken with 53 members present.
2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting: Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our March 8, 2023 meeting as read.
4. Old Business.
Grandstand Door Project
We need to install a door on the grandstand north end for club storage.
5. New Business.
- Food Vendor for the Show.
- Craig Mayo has volunteered to be our food vendor this year. He plans to have breakfast sandwiches rolls and coffee and for the noon and evening meal hamburgers brats and pulled pork. After discussion, MSC to have Craig be our food vendor this year. He will need some help from club members. 2. Food Vendor License. MSC to allow the club to get a vendors license.
- 3. Wes Meeuwsen’s Auction.
- This auction will be held on April 15.
- Art Smith is the auctioneer.
- 4. Fair Grounds Cleanup.
- Cleanup day is scheduled for April 29.
- 5. Hosting IHC Collectors of Michigan Chapter 11
- The club is hosting chapter 11 this year. 6.
- Thursday evening potluck.
- The club will have a potluck on Thursday evening of the show week.
- 6. Plow Day. Plow day is scheduled for May 13 at 9:30 AM.
- This event is held at the Korson Farm, 11921 Hall Road, Ravenna.
- Donuts and coffee will be provided.
- Potluck lunch will start around 12:30 PM.
- Please bring a dish to pass and a small dessert.
- 7. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment.
- Our next meeting date is May 10, 2023.
- MSC to adjourn.
- Reminder:
- Dinner will not be served at our May meeting dates.
- Irv Boersen - Secretary, Antique Farm Power Club
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes
March 8, 2023
- Call to Order:
- Our Vice-President, Vern Scott, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Roll call was taken with 30 members present.
- 2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting:
- Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our February 8, 2023 meeting as read.
- 4. Open Issues. 2023 Dues Dues for 2023 are due now and payable to our treasurer. 5. New Business.
- 1. Please be prepared to stuff bags for our show in May.
- Pens, paper etc are needed.
- 2. Wes Meeuwsen’s Auction.
- This auction will be held on April 15.
- Art Smith is the auctioneer.
- 3 Show dinner Thursday evening.
- Our Vice-President suggested we continue our Thursday evening show dinner once again.
- The Anderson’s agreed to help make this event happen.
- 4. Fair Grounds Cleanup.
- Cleanup day is scheduled for April 29.
- 5. Tractor Driving Certificates.
- MSC to purchase 100 tractor driving certificates for $100.00.
- 6. Plow Day.
- Plow day is scheduled for May 13 at 9:30 AM.
- This event is held at the Korson Farm, 11921 Hall Road, Ravenna.
- Donuts and coffee will be provided.
- Potluck lunch will start around 12:30 PM
- . Please bring a dish to pass and a small dessert.
- 7. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment.
- Our next meeting date is April 12, 2023.
- MSC to adjourn.
- Irv Boersen - Secretary, Antique farm Power Club
Antique Farm Power Club
Minutes February 8, 2023
1. Call to Order:
Our Vice-President, Vern Scott, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll call was taken with 39 members present.
2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting:
Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our November 9, 2022 meeting as read.
4. Open Issues.
2023 Dues Dues for 2023 are due now and payable to our treasurer.
5. New Business.
- Moment of Silence. For Dick Alberts, Frank Konkel, Gerald Handy and Mike Banninks step mother.
- 2. Mackinaw Bridge Crossing.
- Mike Bannink reported that the bridge crossing is cancelled this year because of needed bridge repairs.
- 3. Wes Meeuwsen’s Auction.
- This auction will be held on April 15.
- Art Smith is the auctioneer.
- 4. Advertising Committee.
- MSC to create an advertising committee and Mike Bannink will chair this committee and he will select others to be a part of this committee.
- 5. Fair Grounds Cleanup.
- Cleanup day is scheduled for April 29.
- 6. Wishing Well.
- AFPC sent a check to the Newaygo Food Bank for $650.00.
- 7. Next Meeting Date and Adjournment.
- Our next meeting date is March 8, 2023.
- MSC to adjourn.
- Irv Boersen Secretary,
- Antique Farm Power Club
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes
October 12, 2022
1. Call to Order:
Our President, Mark Scholten, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll call was taken with 33 members present.
2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting: Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our September 14, 2022 meeting as read.
4. Open Issues. A. Discussion regarding honorary members.
Members discussed if honorary members should be exempt from membership dues. MSC to not change our policy at this time.
5. New Business.
A. 2023 flea market space pricing.
- MSC that next year the flea market space will $40.00 for a 30x30 space and to give our coordinator some latitude.
- B. Flea Market Chairman.
- 1. The new chairman is David Gillish.
- C. Early Days Barn Chairperson. 1. The new chairperson is Pat Gillish.
- 6. Upcoming Events.
- A. October 20 Art Smith has an auction. Please check his web page.
- B. Mark will be in Florida for the next 3 meetings and Vern Scott will chair these meetings.
- 7. Wishing Well.
- The wishing well is available for your donations to the food bank.
- 8. Club Information.
- A. Sparta Applefest.
- 1. Keith Anderson thanked those members who participated in the Applefest.
- B. For Sale.
- 1. Keith Anderson knows of a Farmall “M” for sale. If interested see Keith.
- C. Death of former member and president Paul Jensen
- 1. Club members shared a moment of silence for Mr. Paul Jensen’ passing.
- Paul was one of the club’s founding members and it’s first president. Our club secretary will send the family a sympathy card.
- 9. Adjournment. MSC to adjourn.
- Irv Boersen Secretary
- Antique Farm Power Club
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes
September 14, 2022
- Call to Order: Our President, Mark Scholten, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Roll call was taken with 36 members present.
- Approval of Minutes from our last meeting: Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our August 10, 2022 meeting as read.
- Treasurer’s Report: There was no treasurer’s report.
- Open Issues.
- . Vern Scott reminded members of the Fremont parade on September 22 .
- Keith Anderson spoke about the Sparta Applefest on September 23 and 24.
- . Mark Scholten reminded members of the fall color ride to Nunica
- Mike Bannink gave a brief report on the Mackinaw Bridge crossing.
- 10. Election of Officers.
- Mark Scholten was elected President by unanimous vote.
- Vern Scott was elected Vice-President by unanimous vote.
- . Irv Boersen was elected Secretary by unanimous vote.
- . Kathy Bannink was elected Treasurer by unanimous vote.
- Clarence Korson was elected for a 3-year term for the member-at -large by unanimous vote. Other Issues.
- . John Ebers is seeking someone to tune up his Farmall tractor.
- Betty Shultz has tractor parts for sale. Her phone is 616-837-8850. 18.
- Wishing well is available for your monetary gifts to the food bank.
- Adjournment. to MSC adjourn.
- Irv Boersen Secretary
- . Antique Farm Power Club
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes
August 10, 2022
1. Call to Order: Our President, Mark Scholten, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll call was taken with 36 members present.
2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting: Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our July 13, 2022 meeting as read.
3. Treasurer’s Report: There was no treasurer’s report.
4. Open Issues. A. Mike gave an update on the bridge crossing and that as of July 27, 1000 drivers are signed up.
Mark stated the tractor ride to Sam Scholtens is August 20. Lunch will be served. Drivers can meet at Vern Scott and Harold Thome’s place.
C. Keith Anderson reported on the Apple Festival to be held on September 24.
D. Keith Anderson stated that there was a memorial service for Bob Anderson and a few members attended
. E. Dick Van Dyke stated that Red Flannel day is October 1 in Cedar Springs.
5. Next meeting date is September 14. 6.
Adjournment. MSC to adjourn.
Irv Boersen Secretary
Antique Farm Power Club |
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes July 13, 2022
1. Call to Order:
Our President, Mark Scholten, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll call was taken with 38 members present.
2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting: Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our May 11, 2022 meeting as read.
4. Open Issues.
A. Mark needs 2 members to do the pedal pulls on July 30.
B. The fairgrounds needs to be mowed again.
C. Brian McFarrin has a tractor for sale.
D. Janel Eikenberry has a tractor for sale.
E. Mark gave out some appreciation awards.
F. MSC to approve giving $50.00 to our pedal pullers staff.
G. MSC to give the bowling alley $300.00 for letting the club use the room when they were closed.
H. MSC to give the bowling alley $50.00 for use of the meeting room when they are open.
I. Mark updated members on some announcements.
J. Mark presented the 2022 show report comparison.
6. Next meeting date is August 10. 7. Adjournment. MSC to adjourn. Date to remember:
July 14-16 is the Riverbend Show.
July 16 is the Fremont show.
July 30 Holton and Muskegon County Fairgrounds pedal show.
August 4-7 is the Scottville Show.
August 10 is the next business meeting for AFPC. August 11-13 is the LaGrange , Indiana show.
Irv Boersen Secretary Antique Farm Power Club |
• Antique Farm Power Club Minutes May 11, 2022
- Call to Order: Our President, Mark Scholten, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Roll call was taken with 48 members present.
- 2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting: Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of 4. Open Issues.
- A. Mark read a letter from the fair board thanking them for our help in cleaning up the leaves at the fairgrounds.
- B. There are still leaves that need to be picked up yet.
- C. Mark has volunteer sheets that need to fill out by volunteers.
- D. Mowing needs to be completed before our show.
- E. Badges and dash plaques art work will soon be approved.
- F. A tri-fold folder will be available this year.
- G. Sign-up sheets for different tasks are available.
- 5. New Business:
- A. Tractor Supply in Fremont would like us to show tractors on July 16
- B. Mike Bannink shared the IH logo with the members.
- C. Tami Bushard shared a raffle for her cause.
- D. Fruitport Days parade is scheduled for May 30. If you want to participate meet at the Tractor Supply store around 11:00 AM.
- E. Show books are available for $11.00 a copy
- . 6. Next meeting date is May 25.
- the Mackinaw Bridge rep meeting and plow day.
- May 25 is the day to stuff vendor bags.
- May 30 is Old Fashioned Days parade in Fruitport. Meet at TSC.
- June 5 is pre show clean-up day.
- Irv Boersen Secretary Antique Farm Power Club
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes April 13, 2022
- Call to Order:
- Our President, Mark Scholten, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll call was taken with 62 members present.
- Approval of Minutes from our last meeting: Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our March 9, 2022 meeting as read.
- Treasurer’s Report: The checkbook balance for April 12, 2022 was $3,114.11. Motion, supported and carried to approve this report.
- Open Issues.
- A. Fairgrounds clean-up will be held on April 23 at 8:00 AM. Lunch will be provided. Preliminary clean-up will held on April 16. Some members will be there to start leaf piles.
- B. Our food vendor will be returning this year.
- C. Plow day is scheduled for May 14. This event will be held at the Korson Farm, 11921 Hall Road, Ravenna. Coffee donuts and juice will be provided. Potluck lunch will start around 12:30 PM Please bring a dish to pass and a small desert.
- New Business:
- A. Dues of $20.00 are payable to our treasurer.
- B. This year our club will not have a parts corral at our June show.
- C. Former club member Alvin Maat’s sale will be held on May 12 at 3278 David B, Muskegon. This is just north of the Heights/Ravenna Road. The auctioneer is Art Smith. More information is available on his web page.
- D. Fruitport Days parade is scheduled for May 30. If you want to participate meet at the Tractor Supply store around 11:00 AM.
- 6. Adjournment. MSC to adjourn.
- Submited by Irv Boersen, Secretary
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes March 9, 2022
1. Call to Order: Our Vice-President, Vern Scott, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll call was taken with 33 members present.
2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting: Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our February 9, 2022 meeting as read.
New Business:
A. Mike Bannink gave an update on the Mackinaw Bridge Crossing which will be held this year on Saturday, September 10, 2022.
Participation registration is currently open.
Tractor and driver fee is $66.00.
B. Dues of $20.00 are payable to our treasurer.
C. Our food vendor might not be available for our show. Mark will recontact him with other options.
D. Plow day is scheduled for May 14, 2022. E.
This year our club will not have a parts corral at our June show.
F. Former club member Alvin Maat’s sale will be held on May 12 at 3278 David B, Muskegon.
This is just north of the Heights/Ravenna Road. The auctioneer is Art Smith. More information is available on his web page.
G. Spring clean-up at the fairgrounds will be held in April. More information will be available next month.
5. Adjournment. MSC to adjourn.
Date to remember: April 13, 2022 is our next meeting date.
Irv Boersen Secretary Antique Farm Power Club |
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes February 9, 2022
- Call to Order:
- Our Vice-President, Vern Scott, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll call was taken with 28 members present.
- 2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting: Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our November 10, 2021 meeting as read.
- 4. Members of the Club that Passed Away Ernie Smith, Robin Peavey and Marshall Weidman have passed away.
- 5. New Business:
- Mike Bannink gave an update on the Mackinaw Bridge Crossing which will be held this year on Saturday, September 10, 2022. Participation registration will be available on March 1, 2022.
- Dues of $20.00 are payable to our treasurer.
- Please update your phone number and e-mail addresses with our treasurer.
- The club gave a gift of $700.00 last year to LOVE, INC.
- This year our club will not have a parts corral at our June show.
- Adjournment. MSC to adjourn.
- Dates to remember: March 9, 2022 is our March 2022 meeting date.
- Planned fairgrounds cleanup will be held in April, 2022. Date to be announced later.
- Plow day is scheduled for May 14, 2022.
- Irv Boersen Secretary, Antique Farm Power Club
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes November 10, 2021
- Call to Order: Our president called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Roll call was taken with 35 members present.
- Approval of Minutes from our last meeting: Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our October 13, 2021 meeting as read.
- New Business:
- Veterans appreciation introductions. Each veteran introduced themselves sharing years of service and their branch of service.
- B. Member announcements. Jan McDowell’s brother has passed away. Adjournment. MSC to adjourn.
- Dates to remember:
- No meetings in December 2021 or January 2022.
- Next meeting date is February 9, 2022 with dinner at 6:00 PM and the meeting at 7:00 PM.
- February 23-26, 2022 is the Florida Flyweelers show.
- March 4-6, 2022 in Zolfo Springs, Florida is the Florida’s 53rd annual Pioneer Park Days.
- March 9, 2022 is our March 2022 meeting date. Planned fairgrounds cleanup will be held in April, 2022. Date to be announced later.
- Irv Boersen Secretary, Antique Farm Power Club
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes September 8, 2021
- Call to Order: Our president called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Roll call was taken with 41 members present.
- 2. Approval of Minutes from our last meeting: Motion, supported and carried to approve the minutes of our August 11, 2021 meeting as read.
- 3. Treasurer’s Report: No treasurer’s report this month.
- 4. Open Issues:
- Election of Officers 3-year director: Jim Stuart was elected.
- Secretary: Irv Boersen was elected.
- Treasurer: Gale Brondyke was elected.
- Vice-President: Vern Scott Scott was elected.
- President: Mark Scholten was elected.
- Above individuals were elected to their positions unanimously. Mackinaw Bridge Crossing:
- Mark stated that 89 individuals were registered to participate.
- 6. Fall Color Tractor Ride and Parade:
- A. The tractor ride will take place on October 2 beginning at our president’s home at 9:00 AM.
- B. September 23 is the Fremont Parade beginning at 6:00 PM.
- 7. Raffle: The raffle will take place following adjournment.
- 8. Adjournment: Motion, supported and carried to adjourn.
- Irv Boersen Secretary
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes August 11, 2021
- Call to Order:
- Our president called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Roll call was taken with 45 members present.
- 2. Approval of Minutes from July 14, 2021: Motion, supported and passed to approve the minutes of July 14, 2021 meeting as read.
- Other Issues.
- A. Tractor Ride: There will be a tractor ride to Sam Scholtens farm on August 21. We will need volunteers to cook and serve.
- B. Fair Grounds Mowing: Portions of the fair grounds does need mowing. There are 2 horse shows and a motor cross event yet to place this year.
- C. Mackinaw Bridge Questions and Answers. Questions were raised and answered. D. Displaying of Tractors: The club can display tractors at the Ravenna Reformed Church on Saturday, August 28 from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Lunch will be served. 5. Adjournment: Motion, supported and carried to adjourn.
- Irv Boersen Secretary
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes July 14, 2021
1. Call to Order:
Our president called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll call was taken with 37 members present.
2. Approval of Minutes from May 12, 2021: Motion, supported and passed to approve the minutes of May 12, 2021 meeting as read
. 4. Other Issues.
A. Tractor Ride: There will be a tractor ride to Sam Scholtens farm on August 21. We will need volunteers to cook and serve.
B. Fair Grounds Mowing: Portions of the fair grounds does need mowing.
C. Coal Forge: The club did purchase a coal forge for $125.00.
D. Displaying of Tractors: The club can display tractors at the Ravenna Reformed Church on Saturday, August 28 from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
E. Alvin Maat Passed Away: We had a moment of silence for Mr. Alvin Maat as he has passed away.
5. Adjournment: Motion, supported and carried to adjourn. |
Antique Farm Power Club minutes
March 10, 2021
Call to Order: Vice President Vern Scott called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
Roll Call: There were 43 members present.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Report from the most recent meeting (October 14, 2020) are available on the website under the tab “meeting Minutes.” The minutes were voted on and accepted.
Mackinac Crossing: The annual Antique Tractor Crossing of the Straits of Mackinac has been tentatively scheduled for Saturday, September 11, 2021 to capitalize on the 20th Anniversary of the air attack on the United States.
Annual Antique Tractor and Engine Show: Upon questions being asked, the show will occur on June 10-12. Someone recollected that “John Deere” would be the featured brand. No information was available on the featured truck.
Charitable Donation: Vern reported that only about $250 was collected from members directly, but the Club made up the difference and $700 was donated to LOVE INC food bank of Newaygo County at year end. With fund-matching provided by an unnamed foundation, a total donation of $1,050 resulted.
Meeting place: When asked about the suitability of the room at Ravenna Bowl for meeting, a response of “great” was heard. Vern reminded members who ordered food to leave generous tips for the two servers as the Club was not paying a room charge.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:12 pm.
Minutes submitted by Keith Anderson |
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes September 9, 2020
1. Call to Order:
Our president called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll call was taken with 39 members present.
2. Approval of Minutes from August 12, 2020: Motion, supported and passed to approve the minutes of August 12, 2020 meeting as read.
4. Other Issues.
A. Election of officers: Motion supported and carried to elect Mike Bannick to a 3-year term as a Director,
to elect Vern Scott as our Vice-President,
to elect Gale Brondike as our Treasurer,
to elect Irv Boersen as our Secretary and
to elect Mark Scholten as our President.
B. Plow Day:
The Saturday plow day has been changed to October 3 at the Stuart Farms.
C. Fall Tractor Show:
The fall tractor show was tabled until our next meeting.
5. New Business.
The October fall color tractor ride has been tabled until next month.
6. Discussion / Comments.
A. Club members moved over 100 loads of leaves at the fairgrounds.
B. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Sally Anderson as Mr. Robert (Bob) Anderson was killed in a tractor accident.
C. We extend our sympathy to Linda Anderson’s family as her mother passed away.
D. Wish Mike Sellon and Pete twork a happy birthday.
7. Raffle:
Following adjournment there will be a raffle.
8. Adjournment: Motion, supported and carried to adjourn at 7:24 PM.
Irv Boersen Secretary |
Antique Farm Power Club Minutes
Mark Scholten called the August 12, 2020, meeting of the Antique Farm Power Club to order at 7:00 PM
Roll call was taken with 39 members present
.Motion, supported and passed to approve the minutes of July 8, 2020 meeting as read.Motion,
Other Issues
.Our president reported the deceased members of Amy Hecksel and Rob Roeloffs.
This is our new meeting place and the members stated the food was very good.
The Mackinaw Bridge Crossing has been cancelled.
This Saturday August 15, tractor ride will begin at Mark Scholten and Vern Scott’s homes. We will drive to Sam Scholten’s home for the noon meal.
Plans continue to be finalized for our fall tractor ride at the Stuart Farms.
New Business.
Mark asked if there was any interest in a fall tractor show next year. This will be determined at a later date.
Upcoming Events.
August 15 tractor ride.
September 9 meeting at the Ravenna Stockyard Restaurant.
September 12 tractor show at the Ravenna First Reformed Church. They would like members to display a few tractors.
Motion, supported and carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:31 PM.Irv
BoersenActing Secretary |
• Antique Power Farm Club,
Meeting of July 8, 2020
Muskegon County Fairgrounds
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Mark Scholten
There were 47 members in attendance
There were no minutes from the last meeting to be read.
Treasurer’s Report: Our CD renewed at the old rate when no action was taken.
Starting next month with the August 12 meeting, our new meeting place will be the Stockyard Café in Ravenna.
The sprayer for treating mosquitoes at the fairgrounds is no longer available. It has been sold.
There was discussion of kiddie tractor pulls but due to the coronavirus, it is uncertain if there will be any this summer.
Reminder that the fairgrounds must be mowed by July 21 before the Muskegon County fair.
Sign up sheets are available.
Mark wants members to come when they can rather than setting one date for all.
A decision will be made on July 22 whether the Bridge Crossing will proceed or not. Registrations have been put on hold until the decision is made. Likewise dates for approval of buddy seats have been pushed back.
A club tractor ride has been set for August 15. It will begin at Mark Scholten’s house at 9:30 AM.. There will be a lunch break at Sam Scholten’s place consisting of brats and sweet corn. Round trip, ending back at Mark’s house is about 35 miles. There is adequate parking near Mark’s house.
Thursday farm night and Saturday parade at the Sparta Town and Country Days have been cancelled. A tractor brigade and show are planned for Friday, July 17.
The raffle brought in $ 24.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:23 PM
No formal action was taken at tis meeting.
Respectfully submitted by Pete Bottorff |
Antique Farm Power Club
March 11, 2020
President: Mark Scholten 616 293-1961
Vice President: Vern Scott 231 834-1143
Secretary: Glen Lerch 231 834-9611
Treasurer: Gail Brondyke 616 946-4233
Newsletter: Tami Stob 616 322-4585
Mark Scholten called the March 11, 2020, meeting of the Antique Farm Power Club to order at 7:00 pm.
Roll call was taken with 60 members present.
Minutes of the February 12, 2020, meeting were read.
Motion was made, seconded, and passed with the correction of Jerry and Ruth Arrends to Jerry and Jane Arends.
Motion and second to accept the 2019 Show Report
Motion carried.
Early Days Barn:
Mark and Paul Brondyke visited and measured the square foot area of the Early Days Barn.
Estimated cost for new lights is $500-$600.00.
Motion was made and seconded to give $500.00 to Muskegon County Fairgrounds for the purchase of LED lights designated for the Early Days Barn and offer assistance of installation if asked for it.
Motion carried.
Tractor Pull:
The Friday night $1,500 Test and Tune tractor pull is on.
Nearpass will provide the sled.
The Garden tractor pull is scheduled at 3:00 pm on Saturday.
Events calendar of events through November was reviewed.
The date of Plow Day is May 16 not May 18.
Pre-Show clean-up is changed to June 7 from June 6, and date Holton Days kids pedal tractor pull is July 25. (Go on the website to see the complete calendar.)
New Business:
Shingle Mill – Mark found a shingle mill in Florida for sale at $700.00. Discussion followed for using it in our show.
Motion was made, seconded, and passed to purchase the shingle mill for $700.00.
Rodney will make the trip to get the shingle mill.
June Show – fairgrounds clean-up date is April 18.
Derrick Fish, a blacksmith, and the Silverwood sawmill will be at our show this year.
We are waiting for a return call from the Boy Scouts.
Sparta Town and Country Days Parade - is at noon on July 18. Registration is necessary and several members indicated they would participate so Mark can make the registrations.
Mackinaw Bridge Crossing – registrations can be made now.
Adhoc Committee – Motion was made to disband, according to Roberts Rules of Order, the Adhoc Committee appointed to study the Friday night tractor pull at our show.
Motion was seconded and passed.
Larry Brinkman, long time member, passed away.
Rebecca and Jeremy of Owosso Tractor Parts will be present at our April meeting to talk about the Mackinaw Bridge Crossing and take registrations.
Jerry Arends’ farm auction will take place on April 18.
Upcoming Events:
April 8 – 6:00 pm dinner and 7:00 pm monthly meeting at Cronks’ Oakridge Restaurant
April 18 – fairgrounds clean-up
May 13 – dinner and monthly meeting at Cronks Oakridge Restaurant
May 16 – Annual Plow Day and Potluck at the Clarence Korson Farm, Hall Road
May 27 – 6:00 pm dinner at Cronk’s and 7:00 pm discussion of Show issues and work bee to fill Exhibitor goodie bags
June 7 – Pre-show mowing and trimming of Fairgrounds
June 10 – Show set up and Board of Directors meeting at 5:00 pm
June 11-13 – 29th Annual Show
June 15 – Show clean up/put away
July 8 – dinner and monthly meeting at Cronk’s Oakridge Restaurant
September 11 – 13th Annual Mackinaw Bridge Crossing and Exhibitor show
Motion was made and passed to adjourn at 7:45 pm and the raffle was held.
Respectfully submitted,
Glen Lerch, Secretary |
Antique Farm Power Club
February 12, 2019
President: Mark Scholten 616 293-1961
Vice President: Vern Scott 231 834-1143
Secretary: Glen Lerch 231 834-9611
Treasurer: Gayle Brondyke 616 946-4233
Newsletter Tami Stob 616 322-4585
Keith Anderson presided over the meeting because both Mark Scholten and Vern Scott were out of state.
He first gave us a quiz about Abraham Lincoln since today is Abe’s birthday
Keith called the business meeting to order at 7:10 pm..
Roll call was taken.
Attendance was 38 plus one guest, Dale Fortworthy who later joined our club
Minutes of the November 13, 2019, meeting were read. Motion made, seconded, and passed to approve the minutes as read.
Club Information:
Keith reviewed club reminders:
2020 Show dates, June 11-13. Featured vehicles: John Deere tractors, lawn and garden tractors, and stationary gasoline engines, and Dodge trucks through the years.
$20 dues were due January 1, 2020
Important dates:
April 18 or 25 – estimated date of Fairgrounds clean up of leaves and debris
May 16 – Spring Plow Day was announced later during the meeting
June 7 – Pre-show mowing and trimming of Fairgrounds
June 10 – Show set up
June 11-13 – 29th Annual Show
June 15 – Show clean up/put away
September 11 – 13th Annual Mackinaw crossing and Exhibitor show
Old Business:
Friday Night Tractor Pull: West Michigan Tractor pullers declined to attend our 2020 show since we have decided to go back to the $1500 test and tune pull.
The Nearpass pulling team is available either Friday or Saturday night but do not have a tractor following.
Leon Pelfresne will talk with Kim Wagner about getting tractors, but at this point it looks like there will be no farm stock tractor pull.
Question was asked – could the garden tractor pull be moved to Friday night.
Early Days Barn Lights:
Replacing the light fixtures in the Early Days barn was discussed, sharing the cost with the Fairgrounds and installation. More information is needed to make a decision at the March meeting.
New Business:
Mark would like three volunteers to serve as Ad Hoc Committee to discuss ideas and suggestions for doing things differently at our annual show. We are to think about sponsor donations and new things to do this year. Paul Brondyke has a list of suggestions that have been submitted.
Sympathy was extended to the Arends family for the loss of their sister Judy.
Loren Petereson is recovering at home from a fall this past winter.
Larry Brinkman has Stage 3 cancer.
Don Stockhill’s wife, Jan, is recovering from broken neck bones following a fall.
Jerry and Jane Arends are selling their home.
Auction will take place April 18 by Auctioneer Art Smith
Keith read the thank you letter received from Love INC for our $945 donation (445 from club members and $500 from club treasury.
Motion was made and passed to adjourn at 7:55 pm and the raffle was held.
Respectfully submitted,
Glen Lerch, Secretary |
November 13, 2019
President: Mark Scholten 616 293-1961
Vice President: Vern Scott 231 834-1143
Secretary: Glen Lerch 231 834-9611
Treasurer: Gail Brondyke
Newsletter: Tami Stob 616 322-4585
President Mark Scholten called the November 13, 2019, meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
Roll call was taken with 56 in attendance including Lance and Brennan Brower, new members.
We watched a touching video honoring our nation’s veterans. Then we honored ten veterans who were present.
Minutes of the October 9, 2019, meeting were read. Motion made, seconded, and carried to accept the minutes as read.
Open Issues
The Tractor Pulling Committee proposal of discontinuing the $3,250 pull at our 2020 tractor show and continue with the $1,500 Test and Tune Pull was discussed at length. Motion was made to discontinue the $1,750 portion of the $3,250 pull and continue with the $1,500 Test and Tune Pull. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Mark will work with the West Michigan Pulling Club to arrange the date.
Feature tractor for the 2020 show was discussed. Motion was made, seconded, and passed for John Deere to be the feature tractor, garden tractor & gas engine.
The Wishing Well is here for donations to LOVE INC for Newaygo County Food Bank. Motion was made and seconded to donate $500 from our club treasury. Motion passed.
New Business
Brad Devries requested to be removed as secondary signature for our checking account. Motion was made, seconded, and passed for Mark Scholten to be placed on the account as secondary signature.
Corrections were made regarding two items for sale that were listed in the last newsletter. The Camero has a new power top (not a newer power top), and the Durango is a 2011 model.
Motion was made and passed to adjourn at 757 pm.
Pictures of our veterans and the Board members were taken, and the raffle was held.
Respectfully submitted,
Glen Lerch, Secretary |
October 9, 2019
President: Mark Scholten 616 293-1961
Vice President: Vern Scott 231 834-1143
Secretary: Glen Lerch 231 834-9611
Treasurer: Gayle Brondyke (616) 843-4047
Newsletter: Tami Stob 616 322-4585
President Mark Scholten called the October 9, 2019, meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Roll call was taken.
Minutes of the September 11, 2019, meeting were read. Motion made, seconded, and carried to accept the minutes as read.
Treasurer’s Report: There was no monthly report. Gail Brondyke, Treasurer, will go through the June show papers, etc., to report on those figures. Profit from the show is $1,371.00 unless there are any unpaid bills
. Open Issues
The Tractor Pulling Committee proposal of discontinuing the $3,250 pull at our 2020 tractor show and continue with the $1,500 Test and Tune Pull will be voted on at our November meeting.
Our Fall Color Tour will be Saturday, October 19, a change from October 19. Tractors are to gather around 9:30 a.m. at Jim Stuart’s farm on Wisner Avenue for coffee and donuts. Travel will be to 7 Mile Inn, Warner Avenue and 7 Mile Road for lunch.
The Wishing Well for charity donations to the Food Bank of LOVE INC is here tonight and will be here at our November meeting.
A volunteer is needed to assume the position of Secretary.
New Business
Dates of our 2020 tractor show are June 11-13. The feature tractor for the 2020 show will be voted on at our November meeting.
Announcements: A small tractor show by AFPC members took place at North Park Montessori School, Grand Rapids, on October 4. School children had a great time.
Upcoming Events: October 12, Harvest Moon Festival, Grant, with pedal pull at 1:30 a.m.
November 13, our next meeting when our veterans will be honored.
Dinner and fellowship at 6:00 p.m. followed by our meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Motion was made and passed to adjourn at 7:35 pm, and raffle was held.
Respectfully submitted,
Glen Lerch, Secretary |
September 11, 2019
President: Mark Scholten 616 293-1961
Vice President: Vern Scott 231 834-1143
Secretary: Glen Lerch 231 834-9611
Treasurer: David Vande Bunte 616 293-4162
Newsletter: Tami Stob 616 322-4585
President Mark Scholten called the September 11, 2019, meeting to order at 7:01 p.m
Roll call was taken with 48 in attendance.
A moment of silence was held in honor of the September 11 victims.
Minutes: Minutes of the August 14, 2019, meeting were read.
Motion made, seconded, and carried to accept the minutes as read.
Treasurer’s Report: No report, Treasurer was not present.
Open Issues Election of Officers:
Mark Scholten was elected President;
Vern Scott was elected Vice President;
no one accepted nomination for Secretary and Glen Lerch will continue to serve as Secretary until the position is filled;
Gail Brondyke was elected Treasurer;
John Wells was elected to a three year term on the Board of Directors.
Mark reported for the Tractor Pulling Committee. He had talked with West Michigan Tractors Pulling Association letting them know we are not continuing the $3250 pull. They are willing to continue the $1500 Test and Tune pull. The matter is tabled until October or November for vote.
The fall plow day has been canceled.
The charity wishing well will be here at the October and November meetings. It was concensus to give our donation to the Food Bank of LOVE INC.
Paul Brondyke, liaison with the Fairgrounds Board, reported that they will accept money toward repair of the lighting and volunteer help to do the work in the Early Days Barn. The matter is tabled until our February meeting.
Grass at the Fairgrounds may need to be mowed one more time this year.
Mark reported that 63 tractor drivers and 13 buddy riders crossed the Mackinaw Bridge. The people from Nebraska and Colorada are coming back next year.
Request was made for a financial report of our June show. Mark will work with Gail to have this reported.
Fall Color Tour from Jim Stuart’s farm will be Saturday, October 12.
Announcements: Ken Church of Scottville has passed away.
Upcoming Events: October 3 – Fremont Harvest Days parade. Vern Scott has applications that are due September 19.
October 9 – next meeting, 6:00 pm for dinner and fellowship, 7:00 meeting.
October 12 – Harvest Moon Festival, Grant
Motion was made and passed to adjourn at 7:46 pm, and raffle was held.
Respectfully submitted, Glen Lerch, Secretary |
June 12, 2019 After the show informal meeting
47 were in attendance
1500 programs were ordered. Approx 725 left over
1500 buttons ordered we ran out early on Saturday
There was a suggestion to stop selling show tickets at 3:00 Saturday as the show is basically over at 3:00. A lot of tractors go directly to the trailers following the parade.
It seems that less than half of the tractors join in the parade.
Large signs are needed to indicate when and where the parade will start and be announced.
It was agreed that we had the best displays this year.
There was confusion on the doodle bug pulls due to changing times
The Sanctioned pull was far less than adequate, only a few tractors showed up. The sales job of the president of the West Michigan pullers club over promised and under delivered.
At the meeting I said the number of admissions to the grounds was 75, sorry to report that was a mental transposition, the true amount was 57 sold between 7:00 and 9:00 PM Thus any sold at the grand stand was to folks already on site. From what I heard there was approx 100 in the grandstand, and fewer in the bleachers. A task force consisting of Jerry Arends, Irv Boersen, Vern Scott, Leon Pelfrense & Mark Scholten will study the event and bring a report to a future meeting for determining what should be done in 2020. Eastgate had about 15 paid.
Many exhibitors did not put placards on the tractors.
There was a suggestion to have Thursday be a free night for ladies.
The safety rules should be printed in bold type and placed in every exhibitor package Making everyone a safety officer failed, we need a designated person to review all the displays.
The sign at the entrance could be better utilized after the mortorcross is over.
A truck load of people in a truck pulling in a garden tractor is not doing anything for our bottom line. Perhaps a note to the club could encourage the back seat to pay. We pay them $150 to put on their pull. Does it help our show?
Parts in the coral were sparse, we need members to get serious about letting go of stuff not used in the last 20 years. Total sales was $526. 2012 was $2000, 2017 was $1116
Put a large sign at the entrance to get people to use the exhibiter lane or guest lane
Bradford DeVries
Coopersville, MI 49404 |
May 8, 2019
President: Mark Scholten 616 293-1961
Vice President: Vern Scott 231 834-1143
Secretary: Glen Lerch 231 834-9611
Treasurer: David Vande Bunte 616 293-4162
Newsletter: Tami Stob 616 322-4585
President Mark Scholten called the May 8, 2019, meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and welcomed all. Roll call was taken with about 80 in attendance. Guest Brian McFarrin of the Muskegon County Fairboard was introduced. He thanked us for cleaning up the fairgrounds. A dumpster will be on the grounds for our use.
The Moto Cross Race is June 1. Mark is working on brining of the roads.
Don Doyle, representing the Alpine Historical Society, announced that the tractor mini show is May 19, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm., with free coffee, donuts, and hot dogs. Two prizes will be awarded, best of show and most unusual.
Minutes: During our April 2019 meeting we voted to post minutes on our website, in the newsletter, email to those having internet service, and have copies of the minutes available at the next meeting, purpose being to eliminate reading of the minutes during our meeting time. From Robert’s Rules of Order, it was noted that minutes are to be read and approved at each meeting. Motion was made and seconded to have minutes read at each meeting. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made, seconded, and passed. Tractor Show
Dan Engel will take care of club sales on Saturday of our show and put things away.
Discussion took place regarding the cost for the Saturday evening tractor pull. During our April meeting the motion to charge $5.00 per vehicle at the gate and $10.00 per persons age 13 and over to enter the grandstand that had passed was rescinded. Motion was made to charge $5.00 per person at the gate and $5.00 per person age 13 and over to enter the grandstand. Motion was seconded and passed. Fencing at the grandstand for the tractor pull will be put up at 5:00 pm.
Flyers for the show were taken to the printer.
Buttons have arrived and we are waiting for the dash plaques and ribbons.
A 4H mentoring group of about 20 students with some parents will attend our show on Saturday. Adam Winters will guide their tour and explain the demonstrations and history behind various displays. There is a small sawmill with edger and dust collector for sale near Flint for $2,000.00. Motion was made for Mark Scholten and Vern Scott to inspect the sawmill and purchase it for $2,000.00 if it is okay. Motion was seconded and passed.
Sheet are here to sign up for volunteer work at the gate, security, and Early Days Barn. Show flyers are here for distribution.
Mackinac Bridge Crossing – A representative from Owosso Tractor Parts was not able to attend our meeting scheduled. Mark will take care of applications to cross the bridge. tonight.
Upcoming Events: May 11 – Plow Day May 18 –
Mackinac Bridge representative meeting May 18 –
Alpine Historical Society tractor show May 19 –
May 22 show meeting and work bee to stuff vedor & exhibitor bags 6:00 pm dinner at Cronk’s Oakridge Restaurant, 7:00 pm to discuss show plans and pack goodie bags
May 27 – Fruitport Old Fashioned Days Parade
June 1 – Spring Lake boat show
June 6-8 – AFPC Tractor Show
September 5-7 – Staging and Mackinac Bridge Crossing
Motion was made and passed to adjourn at 7:49, and raffle was held
. Respectfully submitted, Glen Lerch, Secretary |
April 10, 2019 President: Mark Scholten 616 293-1961 Vice President: Vern Scott 231 834-1143 Secretary: Glen Lerch 231 834-9611 Treasurer: David Vande Bunte 616 293-4162 Newsletter: Tami Stob 616 322-4585
President Mark Scholten called the April 10, 2019, meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and welcomed all. Roll call was taken with 85 in attendance. We welcomed new members Carol Stuart, Matt Hehl, Herb Zahm, Pete Twork, and Brandon Young.
Minutes: Minutes of the March 13, 2019, meeting were read and approved. Motion was made to include meeting minutes on our website, in the newsletter, emailed to those having internet service and, USPS mailed to members without email. Printed copies will be available at the next meeting for review. This will eliminate having the minutes read at each meeting. Motion was seconded and passed.
Tractor Show – June 6-8, 2019. Fred Grice of West Michigan Pullers was present and explained about their club and how they operate. They have eight classes of pullers. Questions and much discussion followed. Classes to be determined late. Motion was made to pay West Michigan Pullers $3,250 for a half show which is three sanctioned classes. Motion was seconded and passed. Fred encouraged us to advertise highly and get sponsors. Next we discussed how to pay for the cost. Motion was made to continue to charge the $5.00 at the gate after 5:00 pm. Discussion followed and motion was rescinded. Following further discussion, motion was made to charge $5.00 per vehicle at the gate after 5:00 pm and $10.00 per person age 13 and above to enter the grandstand for the Saturday night pull. Motion was seconded and passed.
Mark went to Reuter’s about a 3pt sprayer for mosquito control. Reuter’s offered to lend us a sprayer.
Suggestion was made to hold the potluck on Saturday night instead of Thursday in order to keep people on the grounds. After discussion, consensus was to not change the potluck this year because of the changes regarding the Saturday night pull.
Suggestion was made to park the tractors in the inner circle. Motion was made, seconded, and failed to pass. Tractors may be parked in area north of the school building or in the inner circle.
MOKA will be bringing 120 special needs residents from Muskegon to our show on Friday.
Show work schedules need to be filled out. Security and mowing schedules are available tonight for sign up.
Craig Mayo has volunteered to be the Parts Coral chairman.
Mark will ask Dan Engel to take care of club sales and put away Saturday while Vern Scott is away.
Show flyers are here for distribution.
Mark will order show handouts this week.
Fairgrounds cleanup is Saturday, April 20, beginning at 8:00 am. Leaves will be going to the same place as last year.
New Business: Two guests will be present at our May meeting – Brian McFarrin representing Muskegon County Fairgrounds and someone from Owosso Tractor Parts regarding the bridge crossing.
Announcements: Dan Engel had knee replacement surgery on April 8. Leonard Brock, age 91, passed away.
Make bridge crossing registrations on line.
Upcoming Events: April 20 – Fairgrounds cleanup May 11– Plow Day May 8 – Regular monthly meeting 7:00 pm following dinner at 6:00 pm. May 22 – 6:00 pm dinner at Cronk’s Oakridge Restaurant, 7:00 pm discuss show plans and pack goodie bags June 1 – Spring Lake boat show June 6-8 – AFPC Tractor Show September 5-7 – Staging and Mackinaw Bridge Crossing Motion was made and passed to adjourn at 8:28, and raffle was held.
Respectfully submitted, Glen Lerch, Secretary
Antique Farm Power Club
March 13, 2019
President: Mark Scholten 616 293-1961
Vice President: Vern Scott 231 834-1143
Secretary: Glen Lerch 231 834-9611
Treasurer: David Vande Bunte 616 293-4162
Newsletter: Tami Stob 616 322-4585
President Mark Scholten called the March 13, 2019, meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and welcomed all.
Roll call was taken with 57 in attendance.
We welcomed new members Alan Benton and Arden Bouchard.: Minutes of the February 13, 2019, meeting were read and approved with the correction of the fairgrounds cleanup date to April 20 from April 30.
Bridge Crossing: September 6-7, 2019.
Registration may be made through Mark Scholten by credit card or check. Cost is $58.00 for drivers and $50.00 for riders. See more information on AFPC website.
Plow Day: May 11, 2019. Clarence Korson shared how Plow Day began and gave information about this year’s Plow Day. It takes place at 11921 Hall Road, Ravenna, with additional land owned by Seitsema Farms that may be plowed. Donuts, coffee, and juice will be provided and potluck lunch is around 12:30 p.m. Reminder – only AFPC members are covered by our insurance.
Tractor Show – June 6-8, 2019. Cleanup date is April 20. Bring rakes, tarps, and equipment to move leaves.
Discussion was held regarding whether to continue to pay $1,500 for Saturday night pull. Bill Pike shared that West Michigan Pullers offers more classes of pullers and will ask someone from West Michigan Pullers to contact Mark for a representative to come to our April meeting.
Mark showed a sign similar to what may be posted at gates being closed 9:00 am to 4:00 pm during show time. To be discussed later.
Special needs people from a home in Muskegon will be visiting our show on Thursday. Motion was made and seconded to continue the tradition of treating the special needs people with ice cream at club expense. Motion passed.
Mark is looking for a 3pt orchard sprayer to be used for mosquito control.
Announcements: Ezra Dunn had knee replacement surgery yesterday, March 12.
Dues are due. Members are not covered by AFPC insurance until dues are paid. See Dave Vande Bunte if you paid your dues and have not received a current membership card.
Bill Pike reported on the International Harvesters Collectors Club Convention in Kalamazoo last month.
Mark reported on his trip to Florida for the Florida Flywheelers show where he signed up a new member.
2019 Show Books are here to purchase at $12.00 each.
Upcoming Events:
April 10th Dinner at 6:00 PM with the regular business meeeting at 7:00 PM
April 20 – Fairgrounds cleanup
May 8th Dinner at 6:00 PM regular business meeting at 7:00 PM
May 11– Plow Day at the Clarence Korson's Ranch Hall Rd & Ravenna Rd
May 22 – 6:00 pm dinner at Cronk’s Oakridge Restaurant, 7:00 pm discuss show plans and pack goodie bags
June 6-8 – 28th annual Antique Farm Power Club Tractor & engine Show
September 6-7 – Staging and Mackinaw Bridge Crossing
Motion was made and passed to adjourn at 7:39, and raffle was held.
Respectfully submitted, Glen Lerch, Secretary |
Antique Farm Power Club
February 13, 2019
President: Mark Scholten 616 293-1961
Vice President: Vern Scott 231 834-1143
Secretary: Glen Lerch 231 834-9611
Treasurer: David Vande Bunte 616 293-4162
Newsletter: Tami Stob 616 322-4585 President Mark Scholten called the February 13, 2019 meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and welcomed all. Roll call was taken with 34 in attendance. We welcomed Pete Anton, new member. Minutes: Minutes of the November 14, 2018, meeting were read and approved. New Business: June Tractor Show – June 6-8, 2019.
Concern was expressed about traffic during the show, entrance gates need to be manned to stop traffic.
Request has been made for 60 residents of a retirement home to visit our show. Consensus is Friday would be the best day for them and that they determine their entrance fee.
Suggestion was made that a three-day pass be issued for $10.00.
Members are encouraged to think about show details, items for the parts coral, etc.
Someone is needed to handle club sales on Saturday when Vern Scott and his wife will be away.
Bridge Crossing – Registration begins March 1st, cost per driver is $58.00. There are new rules for buddy riders including a picture being sent with registration. Go to www.mackinacbridgecrossing. com for more information.
Website – Mark and Fred Junke are working on a memorial page of deceased members for the website.
Pages that have been added to the website include pictures, 64 videos, and 22 repair and restoration supplier links. Announcements:
Larry Bull had knee replacement, is home, and in good spirits.
Mark displayed items that he is willing to make and sell, such as cups, travel mugs, license plates, etc. with pictures like tractors, etc.
See Vern Scott about club tee shirts and sweatshirts available for purchase.
It was consensus that meals for veterans will be paid for by the club in November when we honor our veterans.
Mike Bannink shared an article from the Farm Collector about Case & Old Abe.
Upcoming Events: February 20-23 – Florida Flywheelers, Ft. Meade, Florida February 28-March - International Harvestor Collectors Club Winter Convention, Kalamazoo. February 28-March 2 – Pioneer Days, Zolfo Springs, Florida April 30 - Fairgrounds cleanup May 18 – not to be Plow Day June 6-8 – Tractor Show Next meeting is March 13, 2019; 6:00 pm for dinner and social time, 7:00 for meeting. Motion was made and passed to adjourn at 7:31, and raffle was held. Respectfully submitted, Glen Lerch, Secretary |
November 14, 2018
President: Mark Scholten 616 293-1961
Vice President: Vern Scott 231 834-1143
Secretary: Glen Lerch 231 834-9611
Treasurer: David Vande Bunte 616 293-4162 Newsletter:
Tami Stob 616 322-4585 President Mark Scholten called the November 2018 meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and welcomed all. Roll call was taken with 49 in attendance, plus guest Matt Lindgren of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Minutes: Minutes of the October 10, 2018, meeting were read and approved. The CD renewal is coming due soon. No decision was made regarding the renewal period. New Business: Ameriprise Financial Services representative Matt Lindgren gave a brief history and overview of the state of our economy and how the market has been going. He invited interested members to arrange a complimentary initial consultation with him.
We recognized and honored nine veterans present, each identified himself, branch and years of service. We viewed two Veteran Day videos, why we honor veterans on November 11 and the other honoring each branch of service. Old Business: The wishing well is here for donations to our charity, Love INC. Motion was made and carried for our club treasury to match the amount donated by club members. It will be given to the Fremont Foundation that will be partially matched by them.
Jim Stuart reported on the October tractor drive from his farm on Wisner to the intersection of Warner and 7 Mile where participants enjoyed a meal at the restaurant there. Plans will be made to hold another drive in October 2019.
If you want to receive our newsletter by mail, be sure Tami Stob has your mailing address.
Membership dues are due for 2019, $20.00 per person. Announcements: Larry Bull will be having knee replacement surgery followed by rehab.
April’s birthday today, she serves our dinner. Cupcakes were provided to celebrate with her. Next meeting is February 13, 2019, 6:00 pm for dinner and social time, 7:00 for meeting. Motion was made and passed to adjourn at 7:51, and raffle was held. Respectfully submitted, Glen Lerch, Secretary |
September 12, 2018
President: Mark Scholten 616 293-1961
Vice President: Vern Scott 231 834-1143
Secretary: Glen Lerch 231 834-9611
Treasurer: David Vande Bunte Newsletter:
Tami Stob President Mark Scholten called the September 2018 meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and welcomed all. Roll call was taken with 47 in attendance. We welcomed three new members, Tami Stob, Keith Foote, and Dee Jones. Minutes: Minutes of the August 8, 2018, meeting were read and approved. Treasurer’s Report: Irv reported the August beginning balance of $9,380.27, income was $791.96, expenses were $500.64, and an ending balance of $,671.59. Our Savings Account is $7,477.13. The CD is $10,168.90. Motion to approve the treasurer’s report passed. Old Business: During last month’s meeting consensus was not to develop a scholarship fund for a student continuing in agriculture. Another suggestion is to award money for books to student in the family of a club member. Discussion followed, consensus was not to do this and the matter is dropped. We discussed the printing of a 2019 calendar. There was not enough interest and the matter is dropped. There was no report regarding the purchase of the Farmall Super C tractor from the fairgrounds for our club to repair and raffle off. New Business Election of officers took place:
Mark Scholten was nominated as President, nominations ceased, and Mark Scholten was elected President. Vern Scott was nominated as Vice President, nominations ceased, and Vern Scott was elected Vice President.
Glen Lerch was nominated as Secretary, nominations ceased, and Glen Lerch was elected Secretary.
David Vande Bunte was nominated as Treasurer, nominations ceased, and David Vande Bunte was elected Treasurer. Mike Bannink had completed his term as member of the Board of Directors. Roger Jones and Michael Wolgamott were nominated as member of the Board of Directors. Vote was taken and Michael Walgamott was elected.
Tami Stob accepted the position of Newsletter Editor.
A contest was held to name the newsletter. Suggestions were Rusty Reader, Old Power Print, Tractor Factor, Old Tractor Connection, Tractor Times, Tractor Bytes, and Old Iron. Vote was taken and Tractor Times was chosen. Mackinac Bridge Crossing: David Vande Bunte, Roger Jones, and Michael Wolgamott, who crossed the bridge for the first time, commented on their experience. Upcoming Events: September 20 – Fremont Harvest Festival Parade. Vern gave instructions for those participating and exhibiting at the Transitional Nursing Home on 48th Street.
October 6 – Fall Plow Day at Alvin Kober’s, 10 Mile and Peach Ridge, Sparta. October 20 is the alternate date.
October 6 – Red Flannel Days in Cedar Springs. Dick VanDyke commented that sight, sound, and motion attract people. We need tractors and hit and miss equipment at the show. Next meeting: October 10, 2018, 6:00 p.m. for dinner and 7:00 for meeting. Meeting will take place upstairs at Cronk’s Oakridge Restaurant and we will order from the menu. Meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m. and the raffle was held. Respectfully submitted, Glen Lerch, Secretary |
April 2018
President: Mark Scholten 616 293-1961
Vice President: Vern Scott 231 834-1143
Secretary: Glen Lerch 231 834-9611
Treasurer: Irvin Boersen 616 846-0898
Newsletter: Brad DeVries 616 901-7048
President Mark Scholten called the March 14, 2018, meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and welcomed all. Roll call was taken with 62 presnet.
Roger Jones, new member was recognized. Minutes: Minutes of the February 14, 2018, meeting were read and approved with the correction of Plow Day date to May 12 from May 15.
Old Business: Treasurer and Club Historian positions are still open.
There were 5 tractors at the March 10th Grand Opening of Tractor Supply Co. on Alpine
. There will not be a pony pull at our June show, negotiation to lower the $1,500 fee was denied.
New Business: Fairgrounds clean-up is Saturday, April 21, beginning at 8:00 am. Bring your tools and equipment. Lunch will be provided.
Registration for the Mackinaw Bridge Crossing may be made online with payment by credit card. We are encouraged to register early.
Fee for the tractor pull at our show is $1,500, up from $1,000. Motion was made and seconded to approve the additional $500 fee. Motion carried.
Regarding the policy of 80 year-old members having free membership, we discussed people must be paid members before the 80 year-old free membership is effective. Five years was suggested. No action taken.
Upcoming Events: May 12 – Plow Day May 19 – Lamont Festival and Tractor Show June 7-9 – June show June 21-24 – National Threshers Show, Fulton County, Ohio, Fairgrounds
Announcements: Representative from Owosso Tractor will be here at our April meeting to speak about the Mackinaw Bridge Crossing.
Thank you note was read from Connie Brantman for the club donation to Hospice in memory of Ron Brantman.
Leonard Brock is not doing well. There are still some 2018 calendars here to buy at $10.00 each and 2018 show books for $11..00 each.
Next meeting: April 11, 2018, 6:00 pm for dinner and 7:00 for meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. and the raffle was held
. Respectfully submitted,
Glen Lerch, Secretary
February 14, 2018
President: Mark Scholten 616 293-1961
Vice President: Vern Scott 231 834-1143
Secretary: Glen Lerch 231 834-9611
Treasurer: Irvin Boersen 616 846-0898 Newsletter:
Brad DeVries 616 901-7048 President Mark Scholten called the February 14, 2018, meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and welcomed all.
Roll call was taken with 39 were present. New members Jim and TJ Brantman were introduced, son and grandson of Ron Brantman who had passed away on February 2, 2018.
We paused for a moment of silence for the victims of the Florida school shooting today. Video: We enjoyed a brief video of pretty paintings that Harry Sellock had sent with Brad DeVries.. Minutes: Minutes of the last meeting, November 8, 2017, were read and approved.
Old Business: We are still looking for volunteers to fill the positions of Treasurer and Club Historian.
Mark read a thank you letter from LOVE, INC for the donation of $972 from club members and club treasury, and an email from EDGE & TA regretting our withdrawal.
There are still a number of 2018 calendars here for sale. New Business: The 2018 Farm Show Collector books are here to purchase at $11.00 each.
The new Tractor Supple Store in Comstock Park grand opening is March 20. They would like some tractors there on display if the weather is nice. Tractor Supply Stores in both Comstock and North Muskegon would like tractors on display on their Black Friday sale in April.
Our club built a sled for the pony pull for last year’s show. This year they have asked $1,500 for the pony pull. Consensus is that is too much money, it would not be profitable. Mark will check further with them. Open Issues: Registration for the Mackinac Bridge cross will begin on March 1. Registration is $55.00 for drivers and $45 for buddy riders with a max of 1,500 tractors. Owosso Tractor urges registrations with money be sent in ASAP. Fees increase on July 15 with a deadline of August 15 for registration. Upcoming Events: May 15 – Plow Day at Clarence Corsen’s
June 7-9 – June show
June 21-24 – National Threshers Show, Fulton County, Ohio, Fairgrounds. Brad will take his van of 14 people one day during the show. Mike Bannink had found and displayed three odd looking wrenches made late 1800s or early 1900s
. Next meeting: March 14, 2018, 6:00 pm for dinner and 7:00 for meeting.\
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. and the raffle was held. Respectfully submitted, Glen Lerch, Secretary |